Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to the future 1!

just got back from my weekly meeting with my supervisor,deymn, keje makin banyak! -_-"
but its okay, i got all my movies here to teman me. hee =)
*boleh ke bt keje smbil tgk muuvee?

okay, for this week, im gonna review about the best sci-fi movie ever produced.

Back To The Future 1
release: 3rd July 1985 (heck, i wasnt even born at that time!)
genre: sci fi
duration:116 minutes

this movie kick off with the hit song, " The Power of Love" which i guess still a hit classic today.*really?

the reason why i really love this movie is for its detailing and Spielberg also co-direct this movie along with its director Robert Zemeckies.

details.that what a good movie is all about. every scene have a connection with the other.every word, every action have a correlation with another scene.the director really plays the term future to its limit.

i'll give you some of the scene that you need to focus on during this movie:

*notice the word "slacker" were used by mr strickland in every movie
(and come on, mr strickland for a discipline teacher.the irony.hahaha)

repetition of word and two different time.
*lots of it in this movie,too much for me to explain in here. =)

completely contradict statement.come on mom!hahaha

i guess not many of pple recognize this scene. try looking up the name "peabody" and detect it in this movie

the Lyon Estate sign

and i love the time travel effect!!!!

and tell me who dosent love a delorean?hah?hah?
*eventhough it does labelled as the worst supercar everr.still love it! =p

why must it be a delorean? doc brown answers.

enough with that,next clue on what to focus on the movie is the mayor,the clock tower,the Texaco gas station.
nuff said, go watch the movie and find out yourself!! =)

Girlfriends alert!
must watch with your girlfriend. then you will be able to brag about ur knowledge and all the clues in the movies that i had noted earlier.
but beware, too much bragging could lead to a pouting mouth and bored face. =p


see you in the future!

lost in time

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