Monday, November 8, 2010

Back to the future 2!

yellow everyone!
sorry for the late post,kinda stuck between works,sleep and sleep again.hahaha
now im back, with my continuation of my last post

running time:  108 minutes
genre: sci-fi
release date: November 2, 1989

as i had said before, this movies is an overlapped version of the first movie,almost all of the thing happens at the same location,places just in different time frame.
it all started the next morning when marty had come back from his trip to 1955 when doc brown shows up and ask him to go to the future.2015 to be exact.

"marty,jennifer. come with me to the future!!"
when? marty asked

"at exactly this date!"
*5 more years and we could wait for marty mcfly to arrive here. =p

and there some additional to the DeLorean, it could fly (hover conversion at 2015)

and run on fusion energy
*fyi,till now no scientist could ever duplicate fusion reaction on earth

the future!
lots of new wacky technology could be seen here,

*power laces (already been mass produced)

*micheal jackson as waiter.hahaha
RIP mikael..

*hover board (the coolest thing in this movie!!)

* a terrorist also works as a waiter.haha
(notice how image of an arab already been used to potrays terrorism, even in 1987?hmmm..)

*due to this event, the present totally changed

to this!!
and this, biff marrying lorraine

which biff had always had his eyes on.
*the reason for the next picture
see.told you biff always had his eye on lorraine. ;-)

this is marty on the future.

to ensure the time paradox is fixed, marty and doc brown goes again to the year 1955 where the delorean got struck by lightning sending doc brown to the old west, leaving marty still in the year 1955.

delorean got stuck by lightning

and marty is back with the 1955 doc brown!!

this movie kinda cool for it act as the maze for the next movie, its better to watch all of them continously for you to not miss any details.

girlfriends alert!
at this rate, if your girlfriends is still could stay beside you, marry her.shes the one.
if shes already gone, its normal.nobody understand us anyway.hahaha
*seriously, marry her. =p

see you guys in the alternate time paradox! (read it in a robot voice)

with love,

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