Friday, November 12, 2010

in cinema now! SKYLINE


genre: thriller/sci-fi
running time: 92 minutes
release date: 11 November 2010
official trailer here

try to mix these movies; cloverfield + indipendence days + war of the world + predator
just substract all the sense in all of these movies and just leave the effects and the creature inside those movies then you will have the most confusing yet interesting movies to watch.
weird aite? interesting, but pointless. hahaha

just watched it with my friends at GSC Dataran Pahlawan tonight. had to wait for the reserved seat to open for we had make it an immediate decision whether to watch it or not.*lesson learnt, always book or plan your movie trip beforehand!

the first 10 minutes was like, what? the alien had come already?what?why?
and then it been followed by a 30 minutes flashback but still leave you with the question, what?why?
and then the movie continous, you goes like wow,cool! yuck! and then you gonna be back at what?why?

and believe me, you will still be in the what?why? period even 4 hour after the movies had finished. i still do.
what?why? porke?nande mo iiyo? kenapa?

you: should i watch SKYLINE at the cinema? does it gonna worth it?
Mr.MovieMogi: big NO, just wait till the dvdrip version is out, and i will provide you with the download link if you want me to.hahaha

you: should i bring my girlfriend along with me to this movie?
Mr.MovieMogi: are you deaf?dont watch this movie lah. you people never listen meh? *angry dizzy hulk mode.hahaha

overall rating: 2.5/5.

your secret flying kisser,

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