Monday, November 29, 2010

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows review

just watched it last week!
for those who had been watching all the harry potter series and had spend their time studying a bit about the storyline, character and obviously, read the books. comprende?

go watch it, its a very detailed movie,done exactly how the books told it. its nice seeing how things we had imagined in our head turning into reality in a movie. everything is like, "wow!its exactly as i think it would be!"

congratulation to David Yates for this awesome movies and not to forget to Ben Hibon for the short story of 'The tale of The Three Brothers'

but again, everything i could feel when watching this movie is pain. its like staring at Bella from Twilight for straight 1hour.imagine it. all those emotionless, and cold causing the pain to somehow amplified itself and projected towards to you.*gosh, i hate you Bella.hahaha

this story does have its cleverness, dividing it into two parts not only could allow for the director to fully explain all the detail from the book but also could double their ticket sales.aint they clever?

*for those who hadn't yet watched the movie, please take time to carefully look at Hermione's attire.How could someone dress up so stunningly when they were on the run?hahaha

happy watching you guys! 
drive safely too, don't want to end up noseless like Voldemort wouldn't you?

Mr.MoviMogi is busybusy

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