Thursday, December 2, 2010

TRON (the original 1982)

GEEKS ALERT!! stop writing your codes, leave your interface and get yourself ready to go back from WYSWIG programming to the most simple and basic of programming, the binary codes! *is it? =p
in preparation for the upcoming movie TRON Legacy, its nice to recap with the original classic TRON in the 1982..

most of us would already forget about this movie if there would not be a sequel for it wouldn't we?
during that time, it is the most sophisticated movie ever produced, it bring the concept of MATRIX even in the year 1982.

imagine trapped inside a computer, meeting and talked with our own program represented as humans.scary isnt it?

the movie started off with a scene of a lightcycle race between Sark and some accounting program, the storyline is a program written by human started to lose faith with user, and started to influence other program to lose their belief in existence of user, like telling the world that there is no god, just logic random coincidence. any program that disobeys will be forced to enter the game arena to be de-resolutionised . or de-rezz.

the lightcycles

program being forced to join the game

trusting on the user is like believing in the existence of god.woo

this is Sark, highest officer of the master control program
(he sounded lot like professor Snape in Harry Potter!)

Master Control Program (MCP)

there were also a lot of other sci-fi transportation devices in the digital world,

the solar sails, to move from one domain to another

tanks, created by the main character, Flynn

the recognizer, the MCP most lethal army

the story got more interesting due to the MCP trying to kill Flynn in the game by transferring him into the game vie the laser created by the heroin in this movie, Lori.
the laser kinda work like a 3D scanner i guess, disintegrating particles and rearrange them back in the digital world.*i sounded really geeky saying all the stuff above.hahaha

the laser beam

the character name inside the digital world is also kinda funny for now we didn't really found that name to be that cool.hahaha

crom dies early in the game, crom=chrome? =p

Girlfriends alert!!
this movie is strictly for geeks only and for those who does understand a lil bit about computer and the programming terms. im lucky my girlfriend a programmer.hahaha
if your girlfriend is a geeky partner of yours,bring her with you,if she is not, there might be a potential for her to goes to the bathroom and never coming back. kinda de-rezz in the toilet forever waiting for the movie to finish.hee

Geeks rule!!

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

10 movie recommendation

  1. V for Vendetta
  2. Munich
  3. Silence of the Lambs (followed by the sequels and prequel)
  4. Back to the Future Trilogy
  5. Lord of the Ring Trilogy
  6. Inception
  7. Shutter Island
  8. Saw (all of it)
  9. Harry Potter Series (the books and the movies)
  10. Taken

fuck it.i just hate myself at this moment.

its just like im a bad mime actor.
trying co transfer a message with my mouth closed.
nobody understand anyway.

go ahead,prowl with that mongrel beast.
just use a memory charm to wipe out your memory of a son u used to have.

Monday, November 29, 2010

Despicable Me dvdrip is out!!

torrent download link here

"its so fluffy im gonna die!!" =p

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows review

just watched it last week!
for those who had been watching all the harry potter series and had spend their time studying a bit about the storyline, character and obviously, read the books. comprende?

go watch it, its a very detailed movie,done exactly how the books told it. its nice seeing how things we had imagined in our head turning into reality in a movie. everything is like, "wow!its exactly as i think it would be!"

congratulation to David Yates for this awesome movies and not to forget to Ben Hibon for the short story of 'The tale of The Three Brothers'

but again, everything i could feel when watching this movie is pain. its like staring at Bella from Twilight for straight 1hour.imagine it. all those emotionless, and cold causing the pain to somehow amplified itself and projected towards to you.*gosh, i hate you Bella.hahaha

this story does have its cleverness, dividing it into two parts not only could allow for the director to fully explain all the detail from the book but also could double their ticket sales.aint they clever?

*for those who hadn't yet watched the movie, please take time to carefully look at Hermione's attire.How could someone dress up so stunningly when they were on the run?hahaha

happy watching you guys! 
drive safely too, don't want to end up noseless like Voldemort wouldn't you?

Mr.MoviMogi is busybusy

Friday, November 12, 2010

in cinema now! SKYLINE


genre: thriller/sci-fi
running time: 92 minutes
release date: 11 November 2010
official trailer here

try to mix these movies; cloverfield + indipendence days + war of the world + predator
just substract all the sense in all of these movies and just leave the effects and the creature inside those movies then you will have the most confusing yet interesting movies to watch.
weird aite? interesting, but pointless. hahaha

just watched it with my friends at GSC Dataran Pahlawan tonight. had to wait for the reserved seat to open for we had make it an immediate decision whether to watch it or not.*lesson learnt, always book or plan your movie trip beforehand!

the first 10 minutes was like, what? the alien had come already?what?why?
and then it been followed by a 30 minutes flashback but still leave you with the question, what?why?
and then the movie continous, you goes like wow,cool! yuck! and then you gonna be back at what?why?

and believe me, you will still be in the what?why? period even 4 hour after the movies had finished. i still do.
what?why? porke?nande mo iiyo? kenapa?

you: should i watch SKYLINE at the cinema? does it gonna worth it?
Mr.MovieMogi: big NO, just wait till the dvdrip version is out, and i will provide you with the download link if you want me to.hahaha

you: should i bring my girlfriend along with me to this movie?
Mr.MovieMogi: are you deaf?dont watch this movie lah. you people never listen meh? *angry dizzy hulk mode.hahaha

overall rating: 2.5/5.

your secret flying kisser,

Thursday, November 11, 2010


i had just misdownloaded the movie CONTACT.
the link i provided lead to a soft porn movie Direct Contact.
my apologies. -.-"

*and i had waited 4 days for this movie to finish downloaded.efff

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

just downloaded

would you fight 7 of your girlfriends evil exes to get to her? Scott Pilgrim is up to the challenge!!

Scott Pilgrim vs the world

official poster

release date: 27th July 2010
running time: 112 minutes

just finished downloaded it this evening.
torrent source link here
recommended by Gariyn. Thanks! =)

just wait for my review later guys! gonna watch it soon!
for an official trailer, click on the shaking butt "(Y)"

I personally dont think Michael Cera had ever grown up since Juno, right? still have that cute lil boy looks on his face.*im not into boys okay.but lil girls is okay tho.(pedo smile)



Monday, November 8, 2010

downloading now

CONTACT (1997)

Dr. Ellie Arroway, after years of searching, finds conclusive radio proof of intelligent aliens, who send plans for a mysterious machine.

starring Jodie Foster, Matthew McConaughey(always had trouble spelling his name).

directed by Robert Zemeckis. (same director for BTTF 1-3!!)

this movie is suggested by my boss, thanks boss for letting me drift further away from work! =p

link for torrent source: click here

Back to the future 2!

yellow everyone!
sorry for the late post,kinda stuck between works,sleep and sleep again.hahaha
now im back, with my continuation of my last post

running time:  108 minutes
genre: sci-fi
release date: November 2, 1989

as i had said before, this movies is an overlapped version of the first movie,almost all of the thing happens at the same location,places just in different time frame.
it all started the next morning when marty had come back from his trip to 1955 when doc brown shows up and ask him to go to the future.2015 to be exact.

"marty,jennifer. come with me to the future!!"
when? marty asked

"at exactly this date!"
*5 more years and we could wait for marty mcfly to arrive here. =p

and there some additional to the DeLorean, it could fly (hover conversion at 2015)

and run on fusion energy
*fyi,till now no scientist could ever duplicate fusion reaction on earth

the future!
lots of new wacky technology could be seen here,

*power laces (already been mass produced)

*micheal jackson as waiter.hahaha
RIP mikael..

*hover board (the coolest thing in this movie!!)

* a terrorist also works as a waiter.haha
(notice how image of an arab already been used to potrays terrorism, even in 1987?hmmm..)

*due to this event, the present totally changed

to this!!
and this, biff marrying lorraine

which biff had always had his eyes on.
*the reason for the next picture
see.told you biff always had his eye on lorraine. ;-)

this is marty on the future.

to ensure the time paradox is fixed, marty and doc brown goes again to the year 1955 where the delorean got struck by lightning sending doc brown to the old west, leaving marty still in the year 1955.

delorean got stuck by lightning

and marty is back with the 1955 doc brown!!

this movie kinda cool for it act as the maze for the next movie, its better to watch all of them continously for you to not miss any details.

girlfriends alert!
at this rate, if your girlfriends is still could stay beside you, marry her.shes the one.
if shes already gone, its normal.nobody understand us anyway.hahaha
*seriously, marry her. =p

see you guys in the alternate time paradox! (read it in a robot voice)

with love,

Monday, November 1, 2010

inception DVDRip is outtt!!!

inception DVDRip is outtt!
just watched it like 5 min ago.

go ahead,dload it! =)
*getting kinda bz lately,next revivew will be out soon!

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Back to the fridge??

the first means of time travel suggested for the movie Back to the future is originally a fridge?lol!
btw,its the 25th anniversary for the movie this week!

back to the fridge??

check the link below for the reunion of the back to the future cast!



Monday, October 25, 2010

Back to the future 1!

just got back from my weekly meeting with my supervisor,deymn, keje makin banyak! -_-"
but its okay, i got all my movies here to teman me. hee =)
*boleh ke bt keje smbil tgk muuvee?

okay, for this week, im gonna review about the best sci-fi movie ever produced.

Back To The Future 1
release: 3rd July 1985 (heck, i wasnt even born at that time!)
genre: sci fi
duration:116 minutes

this movie kick off with the hit song, " The Power of Love" which i guess still a hit classic today.*really?

the reason why i really love this movie is for its detailing and Spielberg also co-direct this movie along with its director Robert Zemeckies.

details.that what a good movie is all about. every scene have a connection with the other.every word, every action have a correlation with another scene.the director really plays the term future to its limit.

i'll give you some of the scene that you need to focus on during this movie:

*notice the word "slacker" were used by mr strickland in every movie
(and come on, mr strickland for a discipline teacher.the irony.hahaha)

repetition of word and two different time.
*lots of it in this movie,too much for me to explain in here. =)

completely contradict statement.come on mom!hahaha

i guess not many of pple recognize this scene. try looking up the name "peabody" and detect it in this movie

the Lyon Estate sign

and i love the time travel effect!!!!

and tell me who dosent love a delorean?hah?hah?
*eventhough it does labelled as the worst supercar everr.still love it! =p

why must it be a delorean? doc brown answers.

enough with that,next clue on what to focus on the movie is the mayor,the clock tower,the Texaco gas station.
nuff said, go watch the movie and find out yourself!! =)

Girlfriends alert!
must watch with your girlfriend. then you will be able to brag about ur knowledge and all the clues in the movies that i had noted earlier.
but beware, too much bragging could lead to a pouting mouth and bored face. =p


see you in the future!

lost in time